Monday 24 September 2012

The deep web...

Right so in the next week or so I'll be putting up a guide on how to get to the deep web... If you haven't heard of this, the deep web is another Internet inside the Internet if that makes sense ? You can think of it as an ice burg. The normal Internet being the tip of the ice burg and the deep web being the rest of the Internet.  What lies of the deep web is every thing from where to buy drugs to government files ect.... It is not like the normal Internet and doesn't act like the normal Internet. On the deep web you can find the hidden wiki from there you can find all sorts... From the very normal to the fucked up. Check back here soon to find out more.. Am guessing most of you will know how to get on or are already on. But if not I hope the guide will help you.

Monday 17 September 2012

News news news

With all this fuss about Kate middletons photos. People are getting sued, fired from there jobs and for what ? A photographer took a few pictures of a young girl. I really don't see the fuss... Kate Middleton is no better then the rest of us if anything she is less then us. Se wants to become part of a false, lying family. The royals aren't above the rest of us and shouldn't be given any special treatment. They all need to get a grip on this and grow up a bit.

Friday 14 September 2012

Kate Middleton

So after all the fuss with the top less pics. Here they are for you to see for your self.

Monday 11 July 2011

gym and stupids shoes

so i went to the gym today after work. it was so busy at thime i went (17.45)... am not a people person at the best of times. so anyway i went did my thing and that, but what i did notice was the amount of people (all male) that was wearing "pump" shoes. if you dont know what pump shoes are the same sort of the thing you use to wear when you did p.e. in small school, plymsoles (splet worng) i think they where called. some had laces some had not.WHY !!!! FUCKING WHY!!!!! why the hell would you wear some sort of fashion shoe for  the gym ? ill tell you why coz there pricks plain and simple... its not fucking fashion show... but still you see guys with this bullshit stuff. they look at them selfs in the mirror "hey, look at me and how big i am" a fucking big nob thats what you look like.... any how thats all ill be writing today....

     p.s. you might be thinking all i do is moan on my blogs but keep with me... yes i moan but not always as you we will see. i will rant as well and also be happy and say nice things (not always mind)

Sunday 10 July 2011

Sunday Bloody Sunday !?!?!

Hi people of the internet. This is my day so far woke up, had food, had shower then went shopping with my girlfriend. Shopping is the part that’s pissed me off today so much so I had to email the “super store” (no names mentioned)  a complaint. This is something that I’ve never done before. The reason why I sent this complaint was due to smell of strong glue smell. It hit me as soon as I walked in the place and it sent me light headed which is all I needed on a Sunday fucking shopping trip. There I was with my girlfriend and other families around us and I was getting high of the smell !!!
             What sort of retard said “I know what, I’ll do some maintenance work on a Sunday with strong glue that can make people light headed”. I mean why ?!?!? Why would this be allowed ?!?!? Am not one of these tits that go on about health and safety and that but I do fucking mind when some prick uses glue that smells so bad it effects people. On the plus side I got the last ever issue of The News Of The World which has made me happy. Any way that’s enough of me ranting on so ill leave you all in peace to have a rest fully Sunday. For now good bye and take care…

Friday 8 July 2011


Well with every thing going with the ‘news of the world’ where do I start ?
As most of us know by now the News of the world is being axed, tho is  being replaced by The Sun on Sunday or something along them lines. For one if the News of the world would of kept going i still would of bought it. Yes the things the people in the news of the world did was awful and nasty but that’s what WE as a nation want to hear. We feed of other peoples heart ache, misfortune and mishaps.
 We share in peoples fuckups every day through the media or what ever other way we chose to hear/read about it. Its like we need our daily fix of it. I call this the sheeple mentality (you’ll hear this a lot more in my blogs to come). I mean if there was no heart ache what would the media talk about ?
Try it for yourself…… sit down at 18.00/22.00 and watch the news and I can guarantee you the news will be full of heart ache and misery. This is what us “the great people of the uk” want to hear. The News Of The World have been writing this kind of stuff for years… and still we bought the paper but as soon as a young Childs death is involved there is a huge out cry….. This is what is called the ‘sheeple mentality’ we like to jump on the band wagon because we haven’t got our own thoughts, our own opinions.